Ever feel like you’re doing all the right things - eating healthy, cutting back on junk food, making good choices - yet the number on the scale won’t budge? It's so frustrating!
The truth is, ‘eating healthy’ doesn’t always mean ‘eating in a way that supports weight loss.’ Here’s why:
1. Portion Sizes Might Be Bigger Than You Think
Even healthy foods can add up fast. 1 tbsp of olive oil = 120 calories -but how often do we actually measure our olive oil ‘glugs’? The same goes for things like nuts, avocado, and peanut butter.
Try: Weigh or measure your portions for a few days - it’s eye-opening and can reveal some quick wins.
2. Snacking Too Often
A handful of nuts here, a protein bar there - it all adds up. Just 15 cashews = 140 calories, and how often do you stop at a handful?
Try: Stick to three high protein, nutritious meals and snack only if you’re truly hungry.

3. Not Enough Protein - Especially at Breakfast
If you start the day with just toast or cereal, you are unlikely to make it to lunchtime. One egg = 7g protein, but you need at least 30g at breakfast for better appetite control as the day goes on.
Try : Aim for leftover dinner, 3 eggs + Greek yogurt, a protein smoothie, or high-protein oats.
4. Weekends Undoing Your Hard Work
Being ‘good’ all week, then indulging all weekend? Two days of overeating can wipe out all of the hard work you put in Monday to Friday.
Try: If weight loss is your goal, enjoy treats in moderation - one indulgent meal instead of a whole weekend.
5. Overestimating Calories Burned
Smartwatches can overestimate calorie burn by up to 30%. Which can trick us into thinking our energy requirements are higher than necessary.
Try: Add 2-3 strength workouts per week - muscle burns more calories even at rest and supports weight loss.
The Bottom Line? Small Tweaks, Big Impact!
Instead of changing everything, pick one small tweak this week. It could make all the difference.
Which one will you try?
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P.S. Need help figuring out what works for your body? Book a free call with me.